
Retrieve and send data, answer questions, create respondents, send invites to surveys, etc. In any way you want it.

There is a ton of API:s for Survey Generator, which creates endless opportunities for you to customise your flows with:

  • How and when respondents get created
  • In what way and what time respondents should receive an invite to your surveys
  • What actions should lead to answers get saved in your questionnaire
  • What forum you want to present your results in

We can think of numerous use cases for the API. For example, if you want:

  • Your user to receive a push-notification in your application with an invite to your survey after a user interaction.
  • Your CRM-system to retrieve answers from your satisfaction survey, and the negative reviews should generate tasks for your customer success team to follow up.
  • To present a real-time result from your on-going employee-satisfaction survey at your weekly management meeting

You can take a look for yourself at our API documentation: https://developers.surveygenerator.com/

Ready to get started?

It’s easy! Contact us to create your account and start building your surveys right away.